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 Liv 52   blend of herbs   Himalaya   COMING SOON   0.00EUR OFF
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  • Product Name: Liv 52
  • Manufacturer: Himalaya
  • Substance: blend of herbs
  • Contents: COMING SOON
  • Price:  0.00EUR


Liv 52 (blend of herbs)

Himalaya Herbal Healthcare's best known product Liv.52 is the world's #1 liver support formula - an herbal registered drug in over 45 countries and endorsed by over 200,000 doctors worldwide. Liv.52 was introduced in 1955. Since then, it has been sold worldwide and is recognized by thousands of health professionals as one of the most effective liver formulas, with beneficial effects reported in over 300 studies on a variety of cases. Liv-52 ensures optimum liver function through the protection of the hepatic parenchyma, and by way of its potent antioxidant properties. Liv-52 neutralizes all kind of toxins and poisons from food, water, air and medications, all sources of detrimental effects on the liver. Counteracting those hard to avoid poisons and protecting one of the body's most important organs. Alcohol users in partucular find Liv-52 helpful in maintaining a healthier liver. It also helps those taking necessary prescription medications to protect themselves against the damaging side effects on the liver.

Liv.52 is a unique, all-natural, complex multi-ingredient formula. It is safe and effective in portecting the liver against harmful toxins from drugs, alcohol, food and water. It helps regulate levels of enzymes and optimizes assimilation. Liv.52 has also been found to be associated with an increase in serum albumin, which is another indication of the liver protection it provides. Recent work shows that Liv.52 has cholesterol-regulating action. Clinically, it helps maintain healthy levels of serum cholesterol, lipoproteins, phospholipids and triglycerides.

The main ingredients in LiverCare/Liv.52 are:

Capers (Latin name: Capparis spinosa)
Caper is a hepatic stimulant that have been used for improving the functional efficiency of the liver. Recent experimental studies also confirm its protective action on the histological architecture of the liver and the positive effects on liver glycogen and serum proteins.

Chicory (Latin name: Cichorium intybus)
Chicory is a powerful hepatic stimulant which increases bile secretion, promotes digestion and enhances the action of Capers. Experimental evidence has been obtained of its effect on liver glycogen and recent studies have shown the inhibition of free radical induced DNA damage.

Black Nightshade (Latin name: Solanum nigrum)
The Black Nightshade plant and its berries contain various alkaloids that have been isolated and shown to have a dilating effect on the pupil. The main use, however, is to support a healthy liver, skin, kidneys and bladder. The most recent studies indicate that the hepatoprotective effect of the crude extract of Black Nightshade may be due to the suppression of the oxidative degradation of DNA.

Arjuna (Latin name: Terminalia arjuna)
Arjuna is a heart tonic that has been used to support cardiovascular functions since ancient times when it was discovered to have cardio-protective benefits. Recent studies have investigated the mechanism of this activity and has shown a dose-dependent regulation of blood pressure and heart rate. There was also a slight increase in the HDL-to-total cholesterol ratio and an overall improvement in the cardiovascular profile.

Negro Coffee (Latin name: Cassia occidentalis)
Negro Coffee has been traditionally used to promote normal bowel movements. It is a cousin species of Senna, a known and stronger purgative. Despite its name (which comes from its occasional use as a coffee substitute), Negro Coffee is absolutely unrelated to coffee.

Yarrow (Latin name: Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow has been traditionally used for support of the digestive and urinary functions. Its constitutents have been extensively studied and found to be of value as an alterative, diuretic, and tonic for the venous system. Additionally, Yarrow has been known to have a healing and soothing effect on the mucous membranes. It has been shown effective in regulating gastric and bile secretions.

Tamarisk (Latin name: Tamarix gallica)
Tamarisk, sometimes referred to as Saltcedar, has been traditionally used as a tonic and diuretic. It contains an alkaloid, Tamarixin, that has been linked to its effectiveness in conditions associated with hepatic insufficiency. There are indications that Tamarisk is also helpful in increasing platelet counts.


Liv.52 restores the functional efficiency of the liver by protecting the hepatic parenchyma and promoting hepatocellular regeneration. The antiperoxidative activity of Liv.52 prevents the loss of functional integrity of the cell membrane, maintains cytochrome P-450, hastens the recovery period and ensures early restoration of hepatic functions in infective hepatitis. Liv.52 facilitates rapid elimination of acetaldehyde, the toxic intermediate metabolite of alcohol metabolism, and ensures protection from alcohol-induced hepatic damage. Liv.52 diminishes the lipotropic activity in chronic alcoholism, and prevents fatty infiltration of the liver. In pre-cirrhotic conditions, Liv.52 arrests the progress of the disease and prevents further liver damage. As a daily health supplement, Liv.52 improves appetite, the digestion and assimilation processes, and promotes weight gain.


Liv.52 tablets are useful in the prevention and treatment of:

  • Viral hepatitis
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis
  • Protein energy malnutrition
  • Loss of appetite
  • Radiation and chemotherapy-induced liver damage
  • As an adjuvant with hepatotoxic drugs
  • A valuable adjuvant during convalescence and prolonged illness


Please consult your physician to prescribe the dosage that best suits your condition.

Side Effects

Liv.52 tablets are not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

Liv 52 was added on Monday 11 May, 2009

Before you purchase Liv 52:

  • Consult your physician, before you buy Liv 52.
  • Never stop, start, or adjust Liv 52 dose, without first consulting your doctor..
  • Learn about drug interaction and side effects before you order Liv 52.
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