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 Clomid   clomiphene citrate   Uni-Pharma   10 tabs (50mg/tab)   25.00EUR BUY
 5 x Clomid   clomiphene citrate   Uni-Pharma   50 Tabs(50Mg/tab)   125.00EUR 100.00EUR BUY
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Clomid (clomiphene citrate)

General Information on Clomid

Clomid, with active ingredient clomiphene citrate, is used for treating infertility in women. The drug works by stimulating the ovaries, thus resulting in ovulation.

Precautions/side effects of Clomid

Patients allergic to clomiphene citrate should refrain from taking this drug. Other than that, patients who are pregnant, have liver disease, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids or thyroid problem should take this drug only after due consultation with a physician.

There are no known drug interactions with Clomid. However, the physician should be duly informed about any other prescription medicines or over the counter drugs in use before taking Clomid. The drug is a pregnancy X drug. It may cause birth deformities of the fetus which can even be fatal. Thus, pregnant women as well as women who are breastfeeding should refrain from using this drug.

Other than that, the drug is known to have certain side effects such as headache, ovarian enlargement, stomach upset, pain in the breast or hot flashes. However, in certain cases, the drug can cause serious side effects such as diarrhea, hair loss, constipation, blurred vision, abnormal weight gain, unexplained rashes, troubled sleeping patterns or diarrhea. If any of these symptoms show up after taking Clomid, a physician should be consulted immediately.

Some important safety information

  • Clomid can cause drowsiness or changes in vision. Thus, tasks which require attention such as driving or working on industrial machinery should not be done immediately after taking the drug.
  • Clomid increases the risk of multiple births which can be detrimental to the mother as well as the child. Pregnancy should be discussed with the doctor before taking this drug.
  • Women should undergo a pregnancy test before taking this drug as it is known to have adverse effects on the fetus.
  • If results are not achieved after 3 cycles of treatment, Clomid should be discontinued. Long term use of the drug is not recommended.

Dosage of Clomid

Clomid is available as 50 mg tablets. The usual prescribed dose of the drug is 50 mg once daily. However, depending on the response of the patient, the dose may be increased to 100 mg per day. The drug is usually prescribed in cycles of 5 days. However, the actual prescription may vary depending on the response of the patient.

The drug can be taken with or without food with a glass of water. Overdose of the drug should be avoided at all costs. If a dose is missed, it should be taken as soon as possible. However, it should not be clubbed with the next dose. Overdose of the drug can cause serious complications such as nausea, vomiting, blurred vision etc. which require immediate medical attention.

Storage of Clomid

Clomid should be stored in a cool and dry place away from sunlight. It should be stored at room temperature away from the reach of children as well as pets. It should not be allowed to freeze.

Clomid was added on Friday 06 February, 2004

Before you purchase Clomid:

  • Consult your physician, before you buy Clomid.
  • Never stop, start, or adjust Clomid dose, without first consulting your doctor..
  • Learn about drug interaction and side effects before you order Clomid.
  • Buy Clomid
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